
Technical data: Procedures and approaches

Every aircraft is accepted on the CargoPort platform at Lyon Airport and can takeoff or land H24. 

Aircraft that are equipped with turboprops are exempt from this restriction. Models AN124 are thus not limited operationally. 

For confirmation, feel free to contact us.

Technical data


○ 2 runways, one of which is 4000 m long

○ 24/7/365 operations

○ All aircrafts are handled at their MTOW

○ LYS is compliant with the 747-8 and/or the AN225



○Chapter II aircrafts are not authorised on LYS unless an exemption is granted.

○ Each operation is subjected to the allocation of a slot (request via COHOR)

○ Fire F9 category


○ Aircraft car parks dedicated to cargo aircraft (car parks J and M, cat C/D/E/F)

○The noisiest Chapter III aircrafts are subjected to a slight restriction during operations


20,000 m² of private warehousing for goods storage

○ Runway access available H24 via PARIF 17