
CargoPort Lyon Airport's Cargo Activity

Lyon Airport at the heart of a high-performance region

Lyon Airport is located right in the heart of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, a dynamic, high-performance area renowned for the diversity of its companies and services. The Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, in a few figures, is :

France's leading industrial region

The world's top vaccine production centre

Europe's fifth-largest economic region

France's first logistics region

Our freight-dedicated platform is not only at the core of a nationally high-performing region but also a strategic and dynamic point on the European scale.

Unique accessibility at the heart of European trade

Located between Northern and Southern Europe, at the crossroads of air, road, rail and river networks, CargoPort offers unique access to Europe's main economic hubs.

● Less than 1km from highway to aircraft
● On-site customs office
● Dedicated cargo plane parkings
● Truck parkings
● 24/7 BIP access via PARIF17
● On-site veterinarian

Exacting logistics adapted to your business

Speed and efficiency are the keywords of our air freight platform in the CargoPort area. We strive to meet the expectations of every stakeholder, from warehousing to the 24/7 operational trunk road control and inspection station (PARIF), including phytosanitary and veterinary inspections with onsite customs officers.

The presence of a Border Inspection Post (BIP) and a Community Entry Point (CEP) within the CargoPort area simplifies and fastens the processing of importing cargo for goods requiring veterinary or phytosanitary checks.

Make the most of the services offered by our community, and the infrastructures that ensure operational efficiency.

About CargoPort platform

How to get to the Lyon cargo platform?

The cargo platform is located at Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport, nestled within a multimodal hub offering access to the whole of France and to the main countries of the European Union. Less than 10 minutes away, the A432 freeway provides entry to the vast European road network. CargoPort is easily reachable, enhancing the efficiency of your logistics chain, saving you time and optimizing your logistics flows.

Which merchandise can be transported by air freight at Lyon Saint Exupéry?

Our platform enables the transport of all kinds of goods, to meet the expectations and needs of all parties involved. CargoPort community meets the transport requirements of pharmaceutical products (such as medicine and vaccines), as well as perishable foodstuffs (fresh or frozen foods) and products of value. Lyon Airport has dedicated infrastructures for horse transportation, cold rooms for products requiring temperature-controlled storage and safes for securing your valuable items.